Applied PhysicsThis is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Appropriate for courses in Technical Physics in Career and Technical programs, Community Colleges, and High Schools. Prepare students for success in industrial and technical careers with a wealth of real-world physics applications and a unique problem-solving format. Applied Physics, 11/e presents clear, to-the-point, topical coverage of basic physics applied to industrial and technical fields. Throughout the text, emphasis is placed on teaching students to use a consistent problem-solving methodology. A wealth of real-world applications are presented, motivating students by teaching physics concepts in context. Updated with new color photos, clarifications, and enhancements, the Eleventh Editionalso features sections on physics-related careers and new technologies to engage readers in the material.ISBN: 9780134159386, 0134159381
Applied Physics 11th Edition Ebook (
Dale Ewen; Neill Schurter; P. Erik Gundersen
Category: 2016
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