A Second Course in Statistics: Regression AnalysisThis is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For a second course in a two-semester sequence in Introductory Statistics that includes regression analysis. Gives students the background and confidence to apply regression analysis techniques A Second Course in Statistics: Regression Analysis, 8th Edition is a highly readable text that explains concepts in a logical, intuitive manner with worked-out examples. Applications to engineering, sociology, psychology, science, and business are demonstrated throughout; real data and scenarios extracted from news articles, journals, and actual consulting problems are used to apply the concepts, allowing students to gain experience utilizing the techniques outlined in the text. Seven case studies throughout the text invite students to focus on specific problems, and are suitable for class discussion. The 8th Edition incorporates several substantial changes, additions, and enhancements to the case studies, data sets, and software tutorials. 013516379X / 9780135163795 A SECOND COURSE IN STATISTICS: REGRESSION ANALYSIS, 8/eISBN: 9780135163795, 013516379X
A Second Course in Statistics: Regression Analysis8th Edition Ebook (nilibook.shop)
William Mendenhall; Terry T. Sincich
Category: 2020
Tag: nilibook.shop